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Nye County

Most of the Nevada mining camps that are written about on this website were small and short-lived. It can be tough to find much information on them. You can find books from a few authors like Hall, Paher and Patera. You can also find a few websites like NVExpeditions, Ray Dunakin, Forgotten Nevada and NVTami. But beyond that, it gets tough to find further information. That's why I am also writing about them on this website. With that said, towns like Austin, Battle Mountain, Beatty, Belmont, Caliente, Dayton, Elko, Eureka, Goldfield, Manhattan, Pioche, Tonopah and Virginia City (Comstock/ Gold Hill & Silver City) are NOT those camps. These places were massive mining towns with expansive and long-spanning mining histories. Each of these towns had populations in the thousands. A simple internet search will reveal a long list of websites that have written about these places. These towns are also still populated to this day. From a couple dozen in Belmont, to 2,500 in Tonopah, and 15,000 in Dayton. Therefore, I am not going to re-write the same history that can already be found in great detail on the internet. I am going to post extensive historical photographs for each of these towns though. Each one of these towns also has its own Nevada historical marker from the Nevada- State Historic Preservation Office (SHPO). Each one of these towns will have their historical quote posted to its page.

Also see pages for: Bullfrog/Rhyolite area, Gold Center, Gold Bar, Pioneer, etc.

Nevada Historical Marker #173- Beatty: "Center of the Gold Railroads. Chicago of the West."
"Beatty was the center of three short-lived, so-called "gold" railroads that were spawned by the strikes of the early 1900's in Tonopah, Goldfield and Rhyolite. During 1906-07 three railroads were built in this area. The Las Vegas and Tonopah built from Las Vegas through Beatty and Rhyolite to Goldfield. The Bullfrog Goldfield built south from Goldfield to Beatty and Rhyolite. The Tonopah and Tidewater built north from Ludlow, California to Gold Center and used the BG tracks from Gold Center to Beatty and Rhyolite until 1914. Rancher M.M. Beatty drove the last spike here on April 8, 1907 marking the completion of the first and only north-south railroad system in the state. Rails were torn up at Beatty, beginning on July 18, 1942."

Nevada Historical Marker #173- Beatty (150th Anniversary of Nevada Edition):
This marker gives a shortened version of what was written on marker #173.

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