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Best & Belcher Mine

Storey County


The earliest date that I have been able to find archives for Comstock newspapers is the Fall of 1863. The October 22, 1863 edition of the Gold Hill Daily News was already listing the Best & Belcher in the stock reports. A simple search of "Best Belcher" in Chronicling America between 1863 and 1900, showed over 5,300 results. This is simply too much for me to sort through. I don't make any money doing this. The USGS Report stated that the original year of discovery was 1859. This was the very early days of the Comstock. They listed gold and silver as primary commodities. Development was done at this mine between 1860 and 1863. This would coincide with one of the newspaper articles that I did read from April of 1864. In that article, the Gold Hill Daily News indicated that the mine wasn't yet fully developed for production.

NOTES FOR WRITE-UP: Very little pertinent information reported in 1864; Best & Belcher sells off equipment in 1865. No pertinent work except for pumping reported. Nothing at all reported in 1866. One article in 1867 about the possibility that it may open in the future. 1868, no articles found at all. 1869, no articles found, except those stating that equipment at the Yellow Jacket, that used to be at the Best & Belcher, had worn out. 1870, one article. New exploration, but it was taking place the Gould & Curry. The two mines were connected. 1871, no articles found. By 1872, the mine begin appearing the stock report again, but no reports on any activity taking place. By 1873, the articles skyrocket again. 1873, massive increase in the stock reports, but still no reporting on production. 1874, deal between Best & Belcher and Gould & Curry. Left off at 1875. TO BE CONTINUED

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