Buckland's Station

Lyon County
AKA: Weeks
Samuel Buckland first settled in the area in 1859. This was five years prior to statehood. He originally operated a tent hotel for travelers to accommodate the Overland Stage Company. By 1860, he had established a ranching operation and had built more suitable quarters. Services here included a hotel, saloon, trading post, blacksmith shop and repair barn. He eventually added a toll bridge over the Carson River. In 1860, Buckland's Station served as the staging point for soldiers who took part in the Pyramid Lake Indian War. It also served as a stop on the Pony Express route for riders to switch horses. In 1861, Buckland's Station was named the county seat of Churchill County (Presently, Buckland's is located in Lyon County). Fort Churchill was established and built as a soldier fort in 1860-1861. It was located less than a mile to the west of Buckland's Station. When Fort Churchill was finally abandoned in 1869, Buckland purchased it for $750.00. He used materials from the fort to build the massive two-story house that you see today. Buckland and several members of his family are buried at the Fort Churchill Cemetery to the west. See that page in the Old Cemeteries section. After the turn of the 20th century, the area existed under the name of Weeks.
Post Office: November 12, 1924 to June 30, 1945 (as Weeks)
Last Trip/ Road Conditions: It has been many years since I've been there. I think the photographs are from 2013 and prior. It sits along Highway 95, so this is a pretty easy site to get to.