Nye County
Manhattan was the largest mining community in the area. Like so many other prominent mining towns in Nevada, smaller camps throughout the area made up the mining district. Central became a camp in the early 1900’s. By 1906, it was one of the larger camps in the Manhattan mining district. It attained a population that was estimated to be somewhere around 100 residents. Central had many of the normal mining camp businesses. This included five saloons, standard stores, a bakery, lumber yard, hotels and an assay office. There were plans for further expansion, to include an electric light plant. However, prominent strikes were made closer to Manhattan. By late summer of 1906, the mass of the Central population had moved into to Manhattan. During the exodus, they moved a majority of the structures with them. Today, there isn’t much to see at Central. A few mine shafts and some collapsed piles of boards are all that is left. If you are like me, it’s not always about seeing beautiful relics everywhere. In many of these camps, there isn’t much left to see. The purpose of the trip for me is to be able to say that I stood where those pioneers did. Central is one of those places.
Post Office: March 22nd, 1906 to September 19th, 1906
Last Trip There/ Road Conditions: March 2018. Honestly, I don’t remember paying much attention to the roads leading in here. If they would have been bad, I’m sure that I would have noted it. My thoughts are that they are okay. But I would never suggest that anybody take my pure guess as scientific fact.