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Clover Valley

Elko County

While mining has taken place in areas surrounding the Clover Valley, such as the Ruby Mountains and the Spruce Mountain district, the Clover Valley area has always been known for large scale cattle ranching. Prominent men like Isaac Wiseman and Warren Angel were farmers and stock raisers in the Clover Valley. They were also active in the mining and retail industries in the Spruce Mountain district. See the pages on Spruce Mountain for more details on their activities. Wiseman and Angel were also involved in fraternal activities. Wiseman and Angel were both Masons. Angel was also a member of the Knights of Pythias. Several early pioneers of the Clover Valley are buried in the two cemeteries here. I have provided many details of the lives of those individuals on those pages. A man named Albert Haws first settled the area when he established the Warm Creek Ranch here in 1858. Haws was said to have been a violent and murderous individual. In 1869, he murdered a neighboring rancher named Thomas Dunn. He fled to Utah where he killed a U.S Marshal and wounded Elko County Deputy J.F. Corrigan. He was eventually tracked down and killed by a Sheriff's Posse. The original Warm Creek Ranch has passed through several owners over the years. To include the Agee's and the Badt's. In 1929, the ranch was sold to members of the Neff Family. The Neff's are still prominent ranchers in the Ruby Valley near the Clover Valley today. They are also friends of ours. I have photos of some of the old ranch buildings on the Neff place in Ruby Valley. They will be posted on the Ruby Valley page. PLEASE NOTE: Those photos are on private property behind a locked gate. Do not trespass.

Post Office: October 18, 1872 to September 10, 1873 (as Clover Valley); January 7, 1896 to March 14, 1903 (as Clover); July 12, 1921 to October 31, 1924 (as Clover Valley).

Last Trip/ Road Conditions: My last trip through here was in 2015. It is a very rural, but good road. It is one of the prettier drives in the state. With that said, this area consists of a large amount of private ranching property. Be careful not to trespass. For many years, the Ruby Mountain Brewing Company was a micro- brewery that made good beer here. We used to get it in Elko and the surrounding areas all the time. I haven't seen it in a while, so I'm not sure if they've closed.

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