Coyote Spring

Esmeralda County
Not much has been written about Coyote Spring itself. I did find information on the Golden Eagle Mine where Coyote Spring is referenced. As the crow flies, the Golden Eagle Mine is only a little over a mile away from Coyote Spring. By actual road, the two are separated by a little over 3 miles. The road starts southeast from Coyote Spring for about 1.25 miles. It then heads north for almost 2 miles up a steep, rocky canyon to the mine. The elevation at the bottom of the northern stretch is about 5,500 feet. It ends at almost 6,700 feet at the mine. By the look of this northern stretch of the road on Google Earth, I would NOT attempt to take my 4WD truck on it. It's not technically even a road anymore, if it ever was. The Golden Eagle Mine was first discovered in 1875, but not much in value was taken. In 1900, a man named Bonifacio Aguilar leased the mine from H.W. Barton. Aguilar hauled 30 tons of ore along that road that I described above to Coyote Spring. He worked that ore in an arrastra. Aguilar's ore was valued at $30 a ton in 1900 prices. This is the type of operation that shows a modern-day person just how hard these Nevada pioneers had to work to make a living. Gold was the primary commodity at this mine, with silver and lead being discovered as well.
Sources: USGS MRDS Report- 10046781 Golden Eagle Mine.