
UPDATE: If you are interested in a much more detailed history of Grantsville and the entire Union Mining District, my first book was just published through legendary Nevada historian Alan Patera at 'Western Places' in September of 2024. The book is a deep dive into the camps of Ione, Grantsville, Union, Milton, Shamrock, Knickerbocker, Centrasville, and Berlin. The district was formed during the Civil War in 1863, which led to the pre-statehood formation of Nye County in early 1864. The book discusses important dates, the pioneers, the citizens, the murders and shootings, the Grantsville lynching of 1881, trouble with the natives, the mining frauds and swindles, and many more 19th century stories in this part of Territorial Nevada. It is available at and more specifically at:
Nye County
Grantsville formed shortly after gold discoveries were made in the Union district in 1863. The population peaked at about 50 residents in Grantsville Canyon. However, the rush to the White Pine District helped kill further interests in the area until the 1870’s. In 1877, work resumed at the mines in Grantsville Canyon. A twenty-stamp mill was built. Depending on different estimates, the population reached a peak of 800 and 1,000 residents between 1878 and 1879. The business district included drugstores, blacksmiths, bakeries, saloons, barber shops, a jewelry store and even a French Bakery, amongst many others. Two papers called the ‘Sun’ and the ‘Bonanza’ both operated at Grantsville. Stage lines ran to Eureka, Austin and Wadsworth. Grantsville was not a minor camp, but a thriving city by Nevada standards in those days. The population growth also brought violence, to include several murders. By 1884, Grantsville was on the decline. Population was only about half of what it had been at its peak. By 1886, only 50 people remained. Several revivals occurred. The last ended in 1947 with the mine owners being indicted for fraud.
Post Office: Feb. 1879 to Oct. 1901
Fraternal Societies: Odd Fellows Lodge (I.O.O.F.) Instituted November 17th, 1878.
Last Trip/ Road Conditions: April 2013 and May 2023. We got overnight snow while camped there in May of 2023. The dirt road had also been washed out very badly, but we have been told that it is now repaired. Grantsville is also in a very remote part of Nevada. Go prepared.