
Elko County
The name Jarbidge was a bastardized version of the Shoshone word Tsawhawbitts or Jahabich. This was the name of the legendary giant who lived in the canyon and ate anybody who came through. Although earlier prospectors came through in the late 1800’s, Jarbidge officially became a mining camp in 1909 with gold discoveries. Once the harsh winter was over, the rush was on. By the spring of 1910, as many as 500 people were said to be living here. By 1910, Jarbidge already has a school and a post office. By 1911, over 1,000 residents were here. Jarbidge marks the first known case where a palm print was used to obtain a murder conviction. Ben Kuhl had earlier murdered wagon driver Fred Searcy.
Jarbidge has about 20 residents today. There are claims that Jarbidge is the most remote, populated town in the entire lower 48 states. It is also considered a Class 1 Airshed. This means that it is one of the last places in the lower 48 states that still has air that is considered pristine.
Post Office: March 1910. Unknown if or when it closed.
Last Trip/ Road Conditions: The last trip was in November of 2021, while helping a friend on an elk hunt. Jarbidge is as far out in the middle of nowhere as anywhere in Nevada. The roads are decent in the summer. Come first snow, it is impassible from the Elko side. Jarbidge is a good three hours from Elko, which is the next nearest Nevada town where you can buy so much as a Pepsi or a can of Copenhagen. Once you hit the dirt road from the pavement, it is a solid two hour drive. This area goes way up into the big timber (aspen and lodge pole pine). There are north facing spots on the road that maintain long term snow and less than optimal conditions. If you break down in the Jarbidge, you are as remote as you could possibly be in the lower 48 states. During the winter months, when the south way out to Elko becomes impassible, the residents snow plow out the north way and shop in Twin Falls, Idaho. Twin Falls is a good two hour drive as well.