Lodi- Illinois Mine

Nye County
AKA: Bob; Marble; Lodi Tanks
Note: These town names may be confusing, because they aren't all necessarily at the same spot. In some cases, they were simply camps that sprang up around the Illinois Mine, at different points of revival.
Gold was discovered here in 1874 at what would become the Illinois Mine. A district was organized in 1875. Mining was soon started and a smelter was built. By 1878, Lodi had a population of around 100 residents. The normal mining camp businesses all opened here. To include: A saloon, store, boardinghouse and blacksmith shop. The decline began in 1880 when the Illinois Mine closed. At this point, the Illinois Mine had been the only real producer in the district. Another man named Alfred Welsh attempted a revival in the late 1880's, but this was cut short when he was killed by his brother. Large revivals in the area would begin in 1905. This is where the townsite names may get confusing. The old camp was now called Marble. Another camp near the Illinois Mine was called Bob. Another camp that was actually built at Lodi Tanks, was now called Lodi or Lodivale. Soon, the businesses had moved back in. To include stores and saloons. The camp of Bob had the same businesses, but also included a red-light district, restaurants, a hotel and school. 1911 brought hard times again. The Lodi Mines Company was in debt and would go bankrupt. This was mainly due to high shipping costs. By 1914, water began to fill the mines. After the post office closed for good in 1917, the area would never recover. Work on smaller levels would take place here until 1940. The area has been abandoned ever since.
Post Office: March 2, 1906 to December 15, 1917 (Marble); July 23, 1909 to August 15, 1910 (Lodivale)
Last Trip/ Road Conditions: June 2016. I see from GoogleEarth that there may be a way to get here from the south. However, it doesn't look very good. We went in from the main Lodi Valley road, due east of the Illinois Mine. The road was so washed out at one spot, that I was hesitant of even trying it. The person that I was with was braver and we got through. He had a full size, four-wheel drive truck, with outstanding tires and knew how to navigate trick spots like this. Anything less and I would be totally against trying it. I am unsure if that area of the road has been repaired or not. Besides that, the road wasn't awesome, but it wasn't horrible.