Red Bird Mine
Nye County
AKA: Senator Mine; Enator Mine (this may have been a typo by USGS); Red Bird Toquima Mine: Zero Mine: Senator Mercury Mine
Research on this mine was a little bit confusing. I was always under the impression that the Senator Mine was a separate mine that sat to the north of the Red Bird Mine. I will try to explain what I've found. One USGS Report for the Enator Mine AKA: Red Bird Mine, shows a GPS right at the location of the photographs seen below. Another USGS report for the Senator Mine AKA: Red Bird Toquima Mine, shows a GPS to the north of this location by about 9/10 of a mile in a straight line. These two mines are connected by overland mine roads through the mountains that don't go anywhere else. The northern location was discovered in 1925 by Charles and Jack Humphrey. They mined mercury and barium-barite. The southern location was discovered in 1928 and doesn't list who was responsible for the discovery. This mine also produced mercury and barium-barite. Both locations were being worked and showed to be producing in 1929. In 1943, the Senator Mine showed the owner as George L. Barry of Los Angeles. I couldn't find any USGS Reports for any of the other alternate names listed above. That's the best that I can do for now on this one. I will continue to research it when I have time. I'll add details if I find them.