Sestanovich Ranch

Elko County
This location is still up for debate in my opinion. Several of the lat/long sites that list historic locations in Nevada call this place the Sestanovich Ranch. However, I didn't find any old survey maps that listed it with that name. If you drive further south down the Huntington Valley, you will eventually cross into White Pine County. On the east side of the road, there is a sign that reads "Goicoechea Ranches- Sestanovich Ranch". The old survey maps from the turn of the 20th century also show the "Sustonovitch" place as being down towards the White Pine/Elko County line. I found several newspaper articles starting in 1881 that referenced Antonio or Antone Sestanovich. All of these articles affiliated him with Eureka, Huntington Valley and Smith Creek (Jiggs area just north of Huntington Valley). There must have been some pretty good feuds that took place between stock growers in the Huntington Valley and Jiggs area. In 1890, there was a District Court case between a Jiggs Stockman named Gilbert Henry and Antone Sestanovich. In 1900, Valentine Walther was charged with setting Sestanovich's hay on fire (See Sherman Station page). In 1904, there was a case heard before Judge Breen in Elko. H.H. Porch (Huntington Valley stockman) and several others made accusations against "E. Sestanovich" (Antone Sestanovich). They alleged that he had diverted water against Judge Breen's decree. Sestanovich was ordered to appear for a Contempt hearing. The next articles appeared in 1909. They were also in reference to Sestanovich defying the judge's order by diverting water again. An article from the Elko Independent on July 28, 1909 read: "Judge Breen is trying the contempt case against Antone Sestanovich of Huntington Valley. H.H. Porch complains that Sestanovich has violated an order of the district court made several years ago in a water suit." An Elko Independent article from July 29, 1909 read: "Judge Breen this afternoon rendered judgment in the Sestanovich contempt case. He found Sestanovich guilty and assessed his punishment at two days imprisonment in the county jail and a fine of $80 dollars and costs, amounting to $22.50. This is the second time Sestanovich has violated this order of the district court and been punished for it. The jail sentence may break him of the habit." I found two other articles related to the Sestanovich family in this area. In 1914, James Sestanovich won the steer riding at the third annual Elko Rodeo. Today, the Elko Rodeo is a major, televised rodeo that draws world champions. It's called the Silver State Stampede. In 1915, James Sestanovich posted notice of Homestead in the newspapers. The location that he was homesteading was near Sherman in the Huntington Valley, down by the White Pine/Elko County border.
The road conditions through here are good. After passing Jiggs and turning onto the Bald Mountain Mine Road, it is the first place that you pass that looks historical. The road is dirt, but it is wide and maintained. Coach buses take employees to the mine all day, every day, so it has to stay in good condition. Weather can change any road in Northern Nevada though. It's also a good distance from modern convenience. Travel accordingly.
Sources: Elko Independent (Newspaper); Eureka Sentinel (Newspaper).